Scary Memories....

Scary Memories....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

And one day, our story will be told....(PART1)

"I guess I will get some sleep...I am too tired. Good night buddy!" She smiled into the phone. A good night wish from him..her perfect ending to each day!
"Do you know what?" he asked.
Damn! She knew it was another one of his tricks to pull her leg...He had always been a jerk..and so had she! They fought..insulted each other and then laughed! Each day they would think of comebacks at each other, to revenge yesterday's embarrasments! But thats what best friends did and thats what they were! He was the bestest of friend she ever had!
"What now, jerk?" she said, rubbing her eyes..."you know i am dead tired!"
"You are beautiful!" he whispered!
*Silence* Ofcourse he had complimented her before but the words used were 'hot','sexy','bomb' and what not! But 'beautiful' wasn't a word that she had ever heard him speak....not for girls atleast!
"aah! Shut up...I am not like other girls dude! haha! You have always been like this..a biiiig you have started flirting with me too? Geeez! You dog! How will your girlfriend tolerate you??? She would probably commit suicide.." she laughed.
A *sigh* was his reply. That wasn't what she had expected! She had expected him to laugh with her...Before she could gather the words to speak....he broke the silence..
"Good night baby, sleep well"
"okay donkey monkey" she giggled!
"Sweet dreams" he said in the sweetest way possible.
"What's wrong with you? I called you donkey monkey! Aren't you gonna call me names too?Losing the battle, hmm?" she giggled again!
"well, I guess I will let you win today" and he hung up.
Why was he doing this. She knew she loved him, loved him madly....but she didn't know how he would react! So she had decided it would be better if they just stayed the best of friends and she was doing the best she could! She never let him feel it, atleast tried! She knew how difficult it was to push back the blood that made here cheeks blush whenever they met, to calm the butterflies who went crazy whenever he was near and to slower down her heart beats. Sometimes sh e was scared if they were loud enough to be heard by him too! And what was he doing? Making things even more difficult for her! She didn't know what to do! To be happy because he was her friend or to be sad because that was all he would ever be!!....And then the perfect solution struck her..and she slept into the darkness...

*1 Month 15 days later*

She looked out of her window. Clear August sky. She was waiting for his call. So finally, he was going a new place, away from Jammu. ah! well, not so far away too...but what matters was he was moving towards a new life, a new college, new friends! What if things changed? Even though he had promised her a dozen of times that nothing would, yet she knew change was inevitable! She would be here, all alone! What if he got too busy and they couldn't talk anymore? Worst! What if he got a girlfriend there!? Images rushed to her mind...he and some other girl....she couldn't see her clearly, walking hand in hand. *sigh* She did her best to clear those images out of her mind! It killed her a little inside every time she thought of him with another girl, but somewhere she knew she would have to face it someday! But she was not ready...not yet atleast!

She threw things into her handbag and rushed. She and her best friend were supposed to meet him today....a little farewell treat to him! They waited for him in a local restaurant, bu the super sexy weather outside tempted them to go on a drive. He stopped his car right in front of them. And thats the thing with the 'girl' best friends, they understand what you don't speak! Her best friend immediately slid into the backseat. Something inside her smiled. She sat on the front seat, acting as normal as she could. They drove and drove and talked and laughed. Suddenly,her cellphone slid into the right side of her seat, deep into the gear box. She slid her hand into the narrow space to get it, and *sigh* he moved his hand to change the gear. Their hands touched. She immediately withdrew her hand and looked outside the window. She could still feel the static. From the corner of her eye, she could bet she saw him smile!

They got into a cosy restaurant. Being a week day as it was, there was hardly anyone there. And once again her best friend showed her loyalty and excused herself for the washroom and found some monkeys on the opposite of the window and devoted a good 20 minutes in chatting with them...She couldn't have been more grateful to her best friend for takin so sudden keen interest in monkeys and nor to the monkey for keeping her engrossed!

*silence* She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes. This was his last night in Jammu. She wouldn't see him for a month atleast!.
"Look at me" he said politely
She turned towards him, eyes facing down.
He leaned closer. Her heartbeats raced. He drew his face closer to hers...She could almost hear her heart shouting and the butterflies doing somersaults! And then, he bumped her head into hers and laughed. So like that jerk!
"ouchhhh you dog" she giggled....
He just looked at her and smiled. After little sweet, goodbyes they left! On her way back home she cried and cried. He could never be hers. He didn't even consider he a girl, he considered her a stupid silly crazy monkey. He could never feel anything more than friendship for her. She had truly fell in love for the first time and she was losing it right away. Wait! it never was hers in the first place! The words stabbed her like knives. She wiped her tears and prayed to God, asking for his happiness, whether it included her or not. And thats why she knew she was actually in love, that it wasn't just infatuation because now, all she desired was him to be happy.She could do anything for his happiness, anything, She could kill and get killed. She wiped her tears again. There wasn't anything else she could do, was there?

On reaching home, she immediately switched on her laptop to update her facebook status. But he had already updated one...

"Leaving my heart behind with you, keep it safe."

*to be contdd*


  1. Wow,,,Whats better dan this....Simply heart touching.....

  2. @arash bhaiya - :) Thank you! :) it will be coming soooon :) working on it!
