Scary Memories....

Scary Memories....

Monday, March 28, 2011

And one day, our story will be told..... (PART-2)

On her way back home she cried and cried. He could never be hers. He didn't even consider her a girl, he considered her a stupid silly crazy monkey. He could never feel anything more than friendship for her. She had truly fell in love for the first time and she was losing it right away. Wait! it never was hers in the first place! The words stabbed her like knives. She wiped her tears and prayed to God, asking for his happiness, whether it included her or not. And thats why she knew she was actually in love, that it wasn't just infatuation because now, all she desired was him to be happy.She could do anything for his happiness, anything, She could kill and get killed. She wiped her tears again. There wasn't anything else she could do, was there?

On reaching home, she immediately switched on her laptop to update her facebook status. But he had already updated one...

"Leaving my heart behind with you, keep it safe."

She read it again, and again. Facebook must have crashed! This just wasn't possible! Who was he leaving her heart with!??? Deifinitely not her! No, no way! Some other girl then? But he used to tell her everything...then what was this about! She knew he could not have meant it for her...if he had to dedicate her a status, it would have been more like insults...but this? She picked up her phone, speed dialled his number, but before it could get through, she disconnected it....! She had had enough for the day...The last thing she would like to hear him say today would be "oh it is for some other girl I haven fallen in love with! You got to meeet her!" or "don't tell me you thought it was for you! LOL in your face!" She put the phone down and went to her balcony. She leaned on the parapet and let the cool breeze wash her face....

Why did we fall in love with those who could never be ours? Why couldn't we fall in love with those who would love us back? Why couldn't that silly fat Cupid strike two people at the same time? Why? She asked again. Tell me! But, no one gave her any explainations. What she didn't know was, that someday, she would be getting all the answers!

Tired of thinking, tired of calming those screams inside, she slept....


"Hey I am home" he said
"Wha aat?"she stammered,"you said you won't be here for another MONTH!"
"Sooooo? Should I go back?" he chuckled.
"uhh! Shut up! So I will catch you tomorrow morning! Be there in time you jerk!" she said and hung up.

She called her best friend (lets name her B! Its tiring to write 'best friend' again and again! Long word, it is!) So she called up B and told her of the plan.
Next morning, she was the first one to reach the theatre. (Nothing new!). She was waiting for them when B called her up...
"Where are you bitch?" she yelled at the phone
"heyyyy! I guess I won't be able to make it!" she replied.
"what the f*ck do you mean you won't be able to make it?" she yelled again
"uh! MEANS I won't be able to come! There is no one to drop me!"
"I don't care!! Do something! C'mon B! Please don't cancel the plan!", she shrieked.
"Shut up!",she snapped,"why don't you two hang out today? whats the big deal you bitch?" she said.
She and him together??? B helped her to camoflauge what was actually going in her mind! What would she do alone?
"Fine!" She snapped and hung up!
She waited for him in the parking. As usual, he was late. He came 15 minutes after the movie had started. He was wearing a white tee and blue jeans. Sexy! She couldn't stop staring at him. He looked perfect, too perfect to be real. She thanked God her jaw didn't drop, literally!

"What? You want us to get late for the movie? C'mon! Lets rush!"he chuckled,"hey wait! where is B" he added in a hurry.
"err..she couldn't make it today" she told him as they walked to the hall.
"Does that mean its just the two of us today?" he chuckled
Her heart skipped a beat. She knew she was blushing!
"Well, are you scared of me?" she giggled.
"very!" he laughed back.

With great difficulty, they made their way to their seats. She tripped atleast a dozen times and each time he told her to be careful.

She stared at the screen, brows furrowed, trying to make some sense out of what was happening.
"damn!"she said,"we missed a good 20 minutes! All because of you jerk", she snapped at him
"damn!" he mimicked her, " missing 20 minutes of 'lafangey parindey'??! Our life is destroyed now"
They laughed.
She resorted back to staring at the screen. From the corner of her eyes, she could sense him staring at her. But she wasn't sure. She turned towards him to find that she was right. His face was turned in her direction. To avoid embarrasment, she started off again. "you made me miss the movie!!!!" she punched his shoulder. He smiled back. She punched his thigh next. Another one, another and gave a couple of them to him.. As she was going for another one, he immediately put his hand on his thigh..opened...palm facing up...and her hand landed directly on his. Unsure of what he wanted her to do and what she should be doing, she gently opened her fingers, without withdrawing her hand back. He gently arranged his fingers into the spaces between hers and held her hand firmly. Gentle,but firm. Thats exactly how he was.
They both looked at their hands and sighed.

Her heart beats were running a marathon. She wanted someone to pinch her and wake her up from this dream!! This couldn't be happening! This couldn't be real!! Had he just held her hand????

And as she was thinking, he leaned closer. Her eyes were still fixed on their hands. His face was turned towards hers. He kissed her on the cheek. A gentle peck. She could feel him smiling. And she could feel her cheeks burning. She could bet he would be able to see her blush even in this dark theatre. She realised she wasn't breathing. She managed a gentle sigh.

She gently turned to face him, eyes fixed down. He held her face in his hands, drew himself closer and gently kissed her forehead. He leaned back onto his seat. So did she. Their hands still intertwined. She shifted towards him and slowly placed her head on his shoulder.

She couldn't have been more thankful to B for not turning up! They both stared at the screen.And in the entire remaining two hours, they sat the same way. Not even when the lights went on in the interval, did they stir. Not a word spoken, not an inch moved. Hands held tightly, she leaning on his shoulder and they stared at the big screen...... None of them watched the movie that day though......


  1. amazing .. m dying to read wats next !! :)

  2. m l0vin' it !!! d way u r presentin' d wh0le thin' iz "supr awes0me" !!! seri0usly can't wait 2 read wats next !!! :))

  3. Thank you sho much katiiiiiii <3 :) :)

  4. *goosebumps*

    so simple yet so moving !
    loved it ..

    hapy writing ! :)
